> 春节2024 > 你们过年都有哪些活动英语



英语描述一下春节(小学水平)Spring Festival里我们都做什么...


Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important festival in China. During this time, families come together to celebrate and participate in various activities. We clean our houses to get rid of the old and make way for the new. We decorate our homes with red lanterns and couplets to bring good luck and fortune. We also wear new clothes to symbolize a fresh start for the new year. Firecrackers, a traditional Chinese invention, are set off to ward off evil spirits. We exchange red envelopes filled with money to wish each other prosperity and happiness. We gather with our loved ones to have a big festive dinner and share stories about the past year.


People have various activities during the Spring Festival. One of the most important traditions is the reunion dinner, where family members from near and far come together to enjoy a scrumptious feast. We also visit temples to pray for good fortune and burn incense to honor our ancestors. Lion and dragon dances are performed in the streets to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits. Traditional performances, such as the Beijing Opera and acrobatic shows, entertain people during this festive season. Additionally, many people travel to different parts of the country to explore and experience different cultures and traditions.

Spring Festival是什么意思

The English phrase \"Spring Festival\" refers to the Chinese traditional festival known as the Spring Festival, also called Chinese New Year. It is a noun, and the first letters of both words should be capitalized. It is common to use the definite article \"the\" before \"Spring Festival\". The Spring Festival marks the beginning of the lunar new year and is a time for family reunions, celebrations, and new beginnings.

春节前人们做哪些活动用英语表示 - 184****8863 的回答

前往亲朋好友拜年(invite relatives and friends)、放鞭炮(Set off firecrackers)、购买新衣服(buy new clothes)是春节前人们常常会做的活动。 During the Spring Festival, people pay visits to their relatives and friends as a way of showing respect and good wishes. Setting off firecrackers is a common tradition believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck for the new year. Buying new clothes is also a popular activity, symbolizing a fresh start and new beginnings.


During the Spring Festival holiday, there are many activities that take place. For example, there is the Lantern Festival, where beautiful lanterns of various shapes and sizes are displayed. People also gather to solve riddles written on lanterns, adding to the festive atmosphere. Additionally, setting off firecrackers is a common practice during this time. It is believed to bring good luck and fortune for the coming year. Other activities include lion and dragon dances, traditional performances, and family gatherings. These events make the Spring Festival a vibrant and joyful celebration.



During the New Year, I usually spend time with my family and friends. We have a big feast and exchange gifts to share our love and good wishes. We also watch the New Year\'s Eve gala on TV, which showcases various performances and entertainment. It brings us joy and excitement as we wait for the countdown to the new year. Additionally, we participate in traditional customs, such as visiting temples, setting off firecrackers, and giving out red envelopes. These activities symbolize good fortune and happiness for the year ahead.


During the Chinese New Year, I have a blast with my family and friends. We gather together and enjoy a sumptuous feast, where we indulge in traditional dishes like dumplings, fish, and niangao. We decorate our house with bright red lanterns and red couplets to create a festive atmosphere. We also set off fireworks and firecrackers to scare away evil spirits. Giving and receiving red envelopes filled with money is a fun tradition that symbolizes luck and prosperity. We enjoy watching the annual televised Spring Festival Gala, which is full of lively performances. Overall, Chinese New Year is a time for reunion, celebration, and making cherished memories.


Before the Spring Festival, I helped my parents with the preparations for the celebration. We cleaned the house thoroughly and decorated it with colorful ornaments. We went shopping for festive food and snacks, such as dumplings and sticky rice cakes. During the festival, we visited relatives and friends to exchange greetings and good wishes. We also enjoyed traditional performances, such as lion dances and acrobatics shows. The highlight of the festival was the reunion dinner, where we gathered with our extended family members to share a delicious meal. We played games, watched movies, and had a great time bonding with each other. On New Year\'s Eve, we stayed up late to watch the fireworks and welcome the arrival of the new year. Throughout the festival, we wore new clothes and participated in various cultural activities, making it a memorable and joyous time.


During the Spring Festival, I often visit relatives to pay my respects and exchange New Year\'s greetings. It is a time to strengthen family bonds and show love and care. We share meals together and catch up on each other\'s lives. Besides visiting relatives, I also enjoy participating in cultural activities and events held in my neighborhood or city. This includes watching traditional performances, attending lantern festivals, and experiencing local customs and traditions. It\'s a time of joy, laughter, and creating lasting memories.